
Burloak Athlete Spotlight

Athlete:  Shawn

Program:  High Performance, canoe

When did you start paddling at Burloak?
I started 7 years ago. I started out in the Canoe Kids summer program, then Youth Sprint, and I’ve just recently moved into High Performance.

Did you know anyone at the club before you started? If not, how easy was it to make friends?
I knew 2 friends that paddled before I started paddling. We hang out all the time and enjoy paddling and working out together.

How did you hear about BCC?
My mom had friends whose children were in the club, and my mom thought I would really enjoy it.

What were your first impressions of the club and the sport?
My first impressions were that everyone was really kind and helpful at showing new people the basics of paddling, like how not to fall into the water.

What was the biggest surprise to you about the sport?
The biggest surprise to me about this sport was how hard it is to balance in a boat but every time it gets much easier.

Do you have to eat anything specific for training as a paddler?
I eat a decent amount to have enough energy before training. I make sure to eat early enough so I don’t get cramps, which aren’t pleasant. I also eat a lot of protein before paddling so my body is able to create the muscle it needs.

Do you play any other sports?
I used to play soccer since both training times were different. I would finish paddling, eat a little, then go to soccer. I’ve recently decided to focus on paddling so won’t be doing soccer.

What is your training schedule like?
Last summer, during on water season, I did high performance in the morning. I then had a bit of time off, did elementary practice with my friends in the afternoon, and then trained with high performance again.

Right now during off water season I have practice six days a week, some days only once, and some twice. Training varies between running, weights, yoga, and technique work.

Did you compete this past summer? If so, how often and at what events?
I competed last summer in U14 mens C4, C2, and C1, and war canoe. Some races were really successful while others need some improvement.

Did the club/coaches hold any other events/friendly competitions for the team this year?
We didn’t host any, but we went to a friendly regatta at the start of the summer. After that were Provincial qualifiers and then Provincials.

What do you like about paddling?
I like having friends that all enjoy the same thing. Also paddling is about training and it feels really good after completing a workout to know that you're finished.

Canoeing has always been a passion for me because of the technique required. You really have to pay attention to your movement, but when you do and it pays off, it’s fun.

What is the hardest part of the sport for you, and how do you overcome it?
I find the hardest part are the negative thoughts that make you feel you're too tired. But if you really enjoy the sport and want to get better, you just have to push the thoughts away and focus on training.

What goals have you set for yourself?
My current goal is to make it to Nationals. Next summer I’ll be working on improving my technique and strength to be able to accomplish this goal. I am going to the weights gym multiple times a week either at school, or at paddling.

What has been the highlight of your paddling career so far?
Getting to race crews (crew boats of 2, 4, or 14 people) and competing in my first 10km race in Welland.

Do you have any favourite memories that stand out?
One of my favourite memories is from 2019 when my team won third in the Ontario war canoe race. Everyone was so happy to stand on the podium together.

What has the club and program meant for you during COVID-19?
The club was a place where I could go and have fun training after a long day of school.

Do you have any advice for others considering the sport of paddling?
My advice for anyone wanting to try the sport is that if you remember to balance the "on water" training with "technique training" it pays off at the end of the day.