Whether you want to try paddling for a week or want a whole summer of fun on the water, Canoe Kids is the perfect place to learn about paddling sports and refine boat skills. A mix of land and water activities will be used to promote development in a fun environment, with emphasis on safety and confidence on the water, and age-appropriate motor skills.

For Canoe Kids doing multiple weeks of the summer or returning from previous years, we offer skill development award levels that can be approached at your own pace, enough to keep you challenged for the full summer and beyond. For those just joining us to try it out, we have dedicated introductory staff who will make sure you get the best experience possible from your week.

• Looking for an older age group? Check out Sprint Starter.
• Looking for a racing program? Check out the Full Summer option, and contact us about racing opportunities!
• Questions? Check out our Elementary FAQ.

Age: 8 - 12 (born 2013 - 2017)
Junior Canoe Kids age 8-10
Senior Canoe Kids age 11-12
For Campers born in 2018 please contact us directly for more details on programming availability.

Summer - Weekly or Full Summer option
June 28 - August 22 (excluding holidays)
Monday to Friday 9:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.
• Supervised drop off time 9:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M.
• Supervised pick up time 3:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M.

Weekly: $395 (Holiday Weeks $316)
Full Summer: $2212 (Two full weeks free!)

Everyone under 16 is required by CKC Code of Safety to wear PFDs at all times on the water. Canoe Kids are required to have their own PFD, feel free to ask us for recommendations or details.

  • For cancellations requested over 14 days prior to the start, a full refund will be given less a $100 administration fee.

    For cancellations requested 2-14 days prior to the start, a refund of 50% will be given. For all other cancellations no refund will be given. Requests to transfer to an alternative week will be honoured if there is space in the replacement week. A $50 administration fee will be charged.

    No Refund will be issued if a participant is asked to leave due to disciplinary issues, and/or violating safety policies and/or the Code of Conduct.

    No Refund will be given for no-shows.

    We reserve the right to cancel a program with one weeks notice from the start date of the program. A full refund will be given.

    All requests are to be made to the Club Registrar via email.