This training-focused program takes Elementary to the next level. Paddlers will work with the Elementary group, but with additional training opportunities and resources designed to start them on a performance-focused athlete pathway. A welcoming team environment and individually appropriate development will still be the core principles, but the workout structure and focus will start to be modeled on the older Performance groups.

Young athletes in Youth Performance will choose their focus of canoe or kayak, but will still have some opportunity to learn and enjoy a variety of disciplines. Training will include off-water cross training, and the overall focus will be on solid preparation for future High Performance success through mastering technical fundamentals, building solid crew boat skills, and developing a strong fitness base.

The season will be built around the Provincial Championships, with full fall and winter programming to support the training year. When appropriate, Youth Performance paddlers will also work up with U16 and older groups for training and for competitions like National Championships, and Provincial Team Trials. Make sure to discuss your specific goals and year plan with coaches.

Summer has the option for Full-Day or just the 2-hour workout time. See below for details.

Equipment: Youth Performance will need their own PFD. It is strongly recommended to have a racing-style PFD, and their own paddle (contact us if you’d like help finding either). Personal boats are not required, but can be used and stored in the club if you have one.

• Looking for 10 years old or under? Check out Canoe Kids.
• Looking for introductory options? Check out Sprint Starter.
• Looking for a less performance-focused commitment? Check out Elementary.
• Questions? Check out our Elementary FAQ

Age: 13 - 14 (born 2011 - 2012)

May 5 - June 28 (excluding holidays)
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Saturday 9:30am - 11:00am

June 30 - August 22 (excluding holidays)
Monday - Friday 10:00am until 12:00pm (see Full-Day Summer option below)
Saturday 8:00am - 11:00am

A Full-Day Summer option is available:
Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm
(10:00am - 3:00pm program, plus 1 hour drop-off/pick-up)

September 8 - October 31 (excluding holidays)
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Saturday 9:30am - 11:00am

Without Full-Day Summer option: $1965 (includes WOD, CKO, & CKC fees)
With Full-Day Summer option: $2950 (includes WOD, CKO, & CKC fees)
All U10-U14 regatta fees included; racing U16+ may incur additional fees.
Please read the Regatta Fees Page for clarification.

Boat Storage: $60 + HST for members; contact the registrar to confirm availability and payment options.

Everyone under 16 is required by CKC Code of Safety to wear PFDs at all times on the water. Youth Sprint paddlers are required to have their own PFD, feel free to ask us for recommendations or details.

  • For cancellations requested over 14 days prior to the start, a full refund will be given less a $100 administration fee.

    For cancellations requested 2-14 days prior to the start, a refund of 50% will be given.

    For all other cancellations no refund will be given. Requests to transfer to an alternative week will be honoured if there is space in the replacement week. A $50 administration fee will be charged.

    No Refund will be issued if a participant is asked to leave due to disciplinary issues, and/or violating safety policies and/or the Code of Conduct.

    No Refund will be given for no-shows.

    All requests are to be made to the Club Registrar via email.