NEW Summer Camps are being offered this year with longer hours and different options depending on the age of the child. Please read the Canoe Kids and Sprint Starter descriptions below to ensure you are booking the correct camp for your child.

All of our programs use a variety of boats, including sprint canoes and kayaks, introductory boats, canoes and larger crew boats. Racing and more experienced paddlers will spend more time with racing boats, both single-boats and crews.


Canoe Kids

Age 8 - 12 (born 2013 - 2017)

1-week sessions running July & August from June 30 until August 22, excluding holidays.

NEW THIS YEAR - Campers will be grouped according to their age. Junior Canoe Kids (8-10) and Senior Canoe Kids (11-12)

Canoe Kids is for all of our youngest members, whether you’re an experienced camper coming back to the water or someone just trying it out for the first time. Sign-up for this summer program is done in 1-week sessions or full-summer, so you can do as much as suits your interest and goals.


Sprint Starter

Age 11 - 14 (born 2011 - 2014)

2-week sessions in Spring (May & June) and Summer (July & August)

Find out what our racing program is all about with OUR NEWLY IMPROVED Sprint Starter program. You’ll get to shadow our Elementary program and learn all about sprint paddling as a sport. Sign-up is done in 2-week sessions or full-summer, transferable to our Elementary Program (formally Youth Sprint) if you decide you like what you see.


Elementary Membership

Age 11 - 14 (born 2011 - 2014)

Full racing season commitment (May to August) with fall options

Elementary is where we teach kids of all experience levels to become part of our racing team. Competitions range up to the Provincial level, with races in singles and in crews. Each paddler will have coaching targeted at their own development level, working within the larger team.


Youth Performance

Age 11 - 14 (born 2011 - 2014)

Advanced training for Elementary aged members.

Youth Performance works on top of the Elementary program, offering additional practice opportunities and resources. Paddlers will start modelling their training on the Performance group to develop their training and racing skills.