Ages refer to the age you will be on your birthday this year, regardless of when that is. For example, if you are 10 but turning 11 in November 2025, look for programs for 11 year olds. (Check our Sprint 101 FAQ if you’d like more details on the ages and why they’re determined this way.)

Intro Programs

Intro programs will use a variety of boats, including rec canoes, intro kayaks, larger crew boats, and potentially sprint racing canoes and kayaks.

  • • Canoe Kids (age 8-12)

    1-week summer sessions, Junior Canoe Kids (8-10) and Senior Canoe Kids (11-12) with certificate levels to work towards.

    • Sprint Starter (age 11-14)

    2-week summer sessions, alongside our Elementary team. Does not involve racing , but you’ll get to see what our sport is about. We do hold a simulated competition at the end of week 2.

    Also take a look at our Kids Programs FAQ.

  • Contact us for individualized intro options for this age group.

    Do you have a background in another sport at a high performance level? Let us know so we can fast-track you into our training groups!

  • • Private Lessons

    Book something for yourself or a few people to get started with paddling. We can customize the content for you so you’ll be getting orientation for whatever you want to pursue afterwards.

    Learn to Paddle (Canoe / Kayak Lessons)

    90 Minute Canoe / Kayak Lessons (All ages)

    Come as a family, bring a friend or sign up solo. Each class has a maximum of 6 participants and a designated coach so you're sure to see improvement every session no matter your experience level.

    Boats provided for the Session:

    - Recreational Canoes

    - Nelo 510 Surfski (Kayak)

    - Pelican (Sit on top Kayak)

    - Select Sprint boats

    Sessions: 6:30pm Monday & Tuesday, May - August

Non-Racing Programs

A variety of boats are available to all programs including both intro and racing-style for canoes and kayaks, surfskis, paddleboards, and larger crew boats.

  • • Canoe Kids (age 8-12)

    1-week summer sessions. Junior Canoe Kids (8-10) and Senior Canoe Kids (11-12) with certificate levels to work towards.

    • Sprint Starter (age 11-14)

    2-week summer sessions, alongside our Elementary team. Does not involve racing , but you’ll get to see what our sport is about. we do hold a simulated competition at the end of week 2.

    Also take a look at our Kids Programs FAQ.

  • We have no specific non-racing programs for this age, but you might be able to get involved with Performance on a non-competing basis, or set up some Private Lessons. Contact us to discuss options.

  • Learn to Paddle (Canoe / Kayak Lessons)

    90 Minute Canoe / Kayak Lessons (All ages)

    Come as a family, bring a friend or sign up solo. Each class has a maximum of 6 participants and a designated coach so you're sure to see improvement every session no matter your experience level.

    Boats provided for the Session:

    - Recreational Canoes

    - Nelo 510 Surfski (Kayak)

    - Pelican (Sit on top Kayak)

    - Select Sprint boats

    Sessions: 6:30pm Monday & Tuesday, May - August

    Dragon Boat

    Interested in booking dragon boat sessions for your crew?

    We have several boats available, with experienced coaches and steerspersons if you need them.

    See our Dragon Boat page for more details.

    • Lessons & Tours

    Set up private lessons, ongoing classes for a group, or 16 Mile Creek tours.

  • • 16 Mile Creek Tour

    90 minute tour of the river with one of our experienced paddling instructors.

    • Private Lessons

    Private lessons can be customized to suit your interests, so family sessions are easily accommodated.

    Learn to Paddle (Canoe / Kayak Lessons)

    90 Minute Canoe / Kayak Lessons (All ages)

    Come as a family, bring a friend or sign up solo. Each class has a maximum of 6 participants and a designated coach so you're sure to see improvement every session no matter your experience level.

    Boats provided for the Session:

    - Recreational Canoes

    - Nelo 510 Surfski (Kayak)

    - Pelican (Sit on top Kayak)

    - Select Sprint boats

    Sessions: 6:30pm Monday & Tuesday, May - August

Racing Membership

Racing programs will mostly focus on sprint-style racing canoes and/or kayaks (more advanced paddlers will specialize), which include a variety of stability levels for development. Other racing options are available though, which could include other boats like surfski, dragon boat, or others.

  • U10 Racing (age 8-10)

    For confident or experienced kids in junior Canoe Kids (see Intro programs), some racing may be available in the summer. Contact us for details about competition schedule, or ask a coach whether it’s right for you.

    • Elementary (age 11-14)

    Competition season runs May to August, with fall training available. There’s no experience level necessary to join the racing team, but if you haven’t done the sport before please contact us first to make sure we get you the right orientation and starting support.

    Also take a look at our Kids Programs FAQ.

    Youth Performance (age 13-14)

    Advanced training for athlete-oriented Elementary aged members. Expect serious preparation for competitions, and some work with older Performance groups.

  • • Performance

    Full season programs are available (May-October) that gets you involved with our 15+ racing team, but leaves room to do so at your own pace. Contact us before getting started if you haven’t paddled sprint racing boats before so we can arrange appropriate orientation and starting support.

  • • Performance (age 19+)

    Full season program (May-October) that gets you involved with our 15+ racing team, but leaves room to do so at your own pace. Contact us before getting started if you haven’t paddled sprint racing boats before so we can arrange appropriate orientation and starting support.

    • Masters Sprint (age 25+)

    Full season program (May-October) for our Masters age racing team. You’ll need to get orientation and basic instruction done before starting practices, so see Intro options or Contact us about getting started.