What do I have to pay for?

Youth Performance & Elementary: All the entry fees for your U12 & U14 races are already covered by your program fees. If you’re racing up in U16+, and you go to regattas that are for U16+ (Nationals, for example) you’ll be charged the usual entry fees for U16+ races at those events.

Performance & Masters: Each regatta will have entry fees associated with it, either a flat fee and/or a per race amount. These will be added up over the season and you will be sent the total amount payable. This must be paid before competing at your final competition.

Trials, Special Competitions: This includes National Team Trials, Ontario Team Trials, Ontario Summer Games Trials, Ontario Summer Games and any other other races where you are racing as an individual athlete rather than for the club. You’ll need to pay the fee for these events before being allowed to compete. Depending on the specific details, there may be an additional club fee for these regattas on top of the nominal entry fee, as it falls outside the usual club regatta budget.

2025 Regatta Fees

Welland Time Control: $15.00 + $TBA club regatta fee
Ontario Team Trials: $187.50 CKO fee +$50 club regatta fee
National Team Trials: $TBA CKC fee +$50 club regatta fee
Collingwood: $20 flat fee
Divisional Regatta: $70 flat fee
Note: Qualifier events that are not raced at WOD Qualifier will be charged the WOD Qualifier fee as well.
Mississauga: $15 flat fee
Dominion Day: $TBA per race
WOD Qualifier:
• K1/C1 $27.00
• K2/C2 $21.00 per person
• K4/C4 $14.50 per person • C15 no charge (Burloak will cover C15 fees)
Ontario Championships:
• K1/C1 $22.50
• K2/C2 $16.88 per person
• K4/C4 $11.25 per person • C15 no charge (Burloak will cover C15 fees)
National Championships:
• $36.00 fee per person ($11 HOC Safety & Security; $25 CKC participant fee)
• K1/C1 $32.50
• K2/C2 $32.50 per person
• K4/C4 $27.50 per person
• C15 no charge (Burloak will cover C15 fees)
• $81 fee per person ($11 HOC Safety & Security; $70 CKC participant fee)
• $12 per event
• C15 no charge (Burloak will cover C15 fees)
Ontario Long Distance: $35.00 + $TBA club regatta fee

• Clubs or organizations may change their fees for regattas; the fees listed here will be adjusted to reflect those changes.
• You will recieve your final bill before your last regatta for the seasion. Please pay outstanding fees or contact the treasurer for other arrangements before your final competition.