2020 Changes
When the pandemic hit and shut-down was ordered in the spring, we were forced to close our doors until more details and plans could be put in place to work within restrictions. Our Youth programs were quickly reworked to start in July, the usual start date for our summer programs, with several changes to accommodate COVID regulations from all levels of government, and from our provincial sport organization:
All Youth programs were organized into 10-person “pods”, who work together and with no others for each entire week (this aligned to the Ontario guidelines on summer camps).
Programs were kept entirely outdoors.
Only single-person boats were used.
Equipment was washed and sanitized after every use, by additional personnel brought on for that purpose.
New daily schedules were made to give each group an exclusive dock-access time, and designated use of boats and equipment.
Protocols for maintaining distancing (where possible) were put in place for participants and for staff, including adjustments to boat assignments and '“rescue” practices to prevent non-emergency contact.
Pick-up/drop-off and lunch times had separate, designated areas for each group to avoid overlap in any spaces.
All government regulations, of course, also apply beyond specific changes to our programs.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about more details on our COVID protocols for programs.
2021 Changes
Regulations from governments or from sport organizations for the spring and summer are still unknown, but after a safe and successful summer and fall last year we are confident that we can adjust to whatever guidelines exist for in-person outdoor activity. We are planning to run our programs on the usual dates (see program descriptions), using many of the new practices we developed last year. Of course, program details may need to change if mandated by authorities, so we appreciate your patience with any adjustments that do occur this year.
Please note that while there is intention to run some competitions in 2021, the regatta schedule has not yet been finalized and will depend on what activities are allowed. Divisional, provincial, and national sprint paddling organizations have final authority over competitions, so we will keep you as up to date as possible on the information we get from them.