

Burloak Athlete Spotlight

Athlete:  Carson

Age: 15

Program:  High Performance Kayak

When did you start paddling at Burloak?
I started at Burloak in the summer of 2018 in the Elementary program.

How did you hear about BCC?
My family knew about the club and about Olympians Adam Van Koeverden and Mark Oldershaw training there.

What is your descipline?
I am a kayaker, but I’ve also had the opportunity to race in C4 (4 person canoe) and war canoe (14 person canoe).

What were your first impressions of the club and the sport?
I saw the High Performance athletes training at the club, and was shocked by how hard they were working. As a fellow athlete, I had a massive respect for all those paddlers right from the beginning. I later learned it wasn’t as easy as they made it look, but I worked my way up, and now train with some of those athletes I saw on my first day.

What was the biggest surprise to you about the sport?
I was surprised about all the different kind of boats there are. I just assumed that there would be only one type of canoe, and one type of kayak. I definitely learned this was not true when my coach let me try out their boat. I was extremely fast for half a second, then I fell out!

Do you play any other sports?
Yes, alpine ski racing, soccer, and a bit of football as well.

What do you like about paddling?
I love how I can test the limit of how hard I can work, and there is always something new I can learn to make myself faster.

I also like how your times are comparable to others, as well as to yourself. For example, when I am ski racing, every race course is different and the course naturally changes throughout the day. At a paddling regatta, everyone has the same distance, and the weather conditions affect everyone on the water at the same time, and in the same way. All the racers have an even playing field, and nobody gets an unfair advantage. This also means you can record and compare your personal best times.

Do you eat anything specific for training as a paddler?
Carbs for energy, and protein for muscle repair. I also suffer through the vegetables my parents force upon me.

How often do you train?
In the summer I train twice a day, almost every day. Weekday practices are at 7:30am and 4:00pm, and Saturday practices are at 9:00am. We usually have Wednesday, Saturday, and sometimes Friday afternoons off, as well as all day Sunday off. My summer training includes paddling, running, lifting weights, and/or a conditioning workout.

During the fall and winter, I train weekdays after school. Most weekends I am away skiing, but if I am in Oakville I go to Saturday morning practice.

What is the hardest part of the sport for you, and how do you overcome it?
The hardest part for me is staying mentally focused, especially when I am working at my peak exertion. To overcome this, I clear my mind of distractions and focus on the technical work my coaches have taught me.

What goals have you set for yourself?
To be honest, I want to win and be the fastest I can be.

What has been the highlight of your paddling career so far?
Ontario championships in Ottawa in 2019 was a highlight for me. I enjoyed competing in crew boats with my teammates and watching all my other teammates compete, as well as setting a personal best.

Do you have any favourite memories that stand out?
I couldn’t pick just one favourite moment at BCC. There are so many awesome experiences I have had at regattas, on the water training, and at the club hanging out. Even our Zoom workouts, during the initial months of COVID-19 lockdown before we got back to the water. There are too many that I have already had, and I can’t wait to make more in the future.
