

Burloak Athlete Spotlight

Athlete:  Adam

Age: 19

Program:  High Performance Sprint, kayak

When did you get started at Burloak?
I started at Burloak in grade 8 and have been paddling for 7 years now.

Are you on any other special training teams aside from Burloak’s club team?
I’m also on the Ontario Team, which I had to qualify for, and which provides me with extra opportunities to train and compete.

What were your first impressions of the club and the sport?
I liked the club because it was a fun place to hang out with my friends in the summer all day and also get to compete with them at the same time.

What was the biggest surprise to you about the sport?
I think the biggest surprise to me was how much you actually use your legs in a kayak, it looks like it's only your arms but there's a lot more legs and core than I would've guessed.

Did/do you do any other sports in addition to paddling?
I played a lot of sports when I was younger, and when I started paddling I was still playing rep hockey. I would play hockey in the winter and come to Burloak in the spring and summer. In high school I was able to fit in track and field into my paddling schedule. Taking university classes right now hasn't left a load of time so I am currently only paddling, but am enjoying trying out cross country skiing to stay in shape over the winter.

What is your training schedule like?
In the summer I paddle twice a day and do either weights or a run. Wednesday and Saturday afternoons are normally off, and Sunday we don’t train. During the summer there are regattas many weekends so if the weekend was hard racing Monday will be easier or sometimes even off. During the winter training is a little different because it’s mostly weights and running. This year I have been skiing a lot as well. Our Winter schedule involves yoga or mobility sessions in the mornings then runs or weights in the afternoons.

Do you compete? If so, how often and at what level?
Although this past year we only competed at Provincial Virtual Championships because of COVID, most summers it feels like I race almost every other weekend. The events are mostly local races, but I also compete at qualifying events, team trials, and provincial and national level races.

What has been your biggest struggle of training and how have you overcome it?
I think my biggest struggles in training over the past few years have been trying to stay healthy and being a little bit more responsible with my body. I have had to take my mobility and stretching a lot more serious recently and think more about what I'm doing as the workload does sometimes get pretty intense, and I was getting pretty beat up before.

What do you like about paddling?
Probably my favourite part of paddling is getting to spend all summer with my friends. We’re at the canoe club so often that you get really close with the friends you train with so spending all summer with them is great.

Do you have to eat anything specific for training as a paddler?
I used to eat a pretty terrible diet as a paddler but now I just try and eat plenty of veggies and protein, although I’m not very strict about my diet.

What are some favourite memories that stand out?
One of the memories that stands out was racing K2 at nationals in Regina because my K2 partner Liam and I did a lot better than we expected. Medalling was a little unexpected and exciting.

What are your goals for paddling and how are you working to achieve them?
Right now I’m trying to keep competing at the level I am and to continue getting faster, while balancing my university workload.

Do you have any advice for others considering the sport of paddling?
I think my advice for people looking to start is to not be afraid to just start, and to understand that sometimes tipping is part of learning.

After taking a year off before university, you’re now in your first year. How have you been able to adapt your training schedule to fit your course load?
Adapting training to my school has been surprisingly easy as my online schedule is fairly flexible and the coaches have given me plenty of options for training times. Even in my year off when I was working 8 hour days at my job, Adam and Hunter helped me work out a schedule that allowed me to train full time as well.

Do you plan to continue paddling throughout university?
I do plan to keep paddling throughout university, I'm not 100% about what my goals are for the future of the sport but I enjoy the sport a lot. Most of my best friends are in the sport, I really like competing, and it’s a really great way to stay in shape.
