
BCC Athlete Profiles.Arturo and Frederico S 2.jpg

Burloak Athlete Spotlight

Athlete:  Federico

Program:  Youth Sprint, canoe

When did you start paddling at Burloak?
I started two years ago, and I’m looking forward to starting again in May.

How did you get started at Burloak?
I tried Canoe Kids and I liked it, so I moved up to Youth Sprint.

What were your first impressions of the club and the sport?
I thought the sport was hard and it took a lot of patience to learn how to balance and paddle correctly. My first impression of the club was that it was very welcoming and engaging.

What was the biggest surprise to you about the sport of paddling?
When you finish a canoe race and you feel like you want to throw up because you worked so hard.

Do you play any other sports?
I also play hockey and golf. I don’t have my golf schedule yet, and haven’t done all three at the same time yet, so I haven’t figured out how I will balance them out this year.

How often do you train and what does training look like for you?
In the winter I run outdoors, play hockey and do some basement HIIT workouts. I exercise 4 to 5 times a week. In the summer, I paddle and play golf. I also do a lot of outdoor activities and sports.

What is the hardest part about paddling?
The hardest part is not throwing up after doing a 500m sprint. I overcome this by taking deep breaths and focusing on my target.

What do you like about paddling?
I like how paddling is very challenging and there is always room for improvement. My favourite aspect of the sport is experiencing the world from the water, somewhere that you don’t usually go. It’s like a whole different world.

What are your goals for paddling? How are you working to achieve them?
My goal is to get a better time in my 500m sprint. I can achieve this by always practicing and training, both mentally and physically, for it.

Do you have any favourite memories that stand out?
One of my favourite memories is the day I experienced canoeing for the first time. I used to only kayak, and did not know the difference. I remember the amazing feeling of being taller and the smoothness of the boat gliding through the water.

I also remember with lots of joy the day when we were trying to tip our coaches Brook and Cat off the banana boats!

What has the club and program meant to you during COIVD-19?
I am happy that I got to do something during the pandemic, as most of my other sports were cancelled. So having something to do was pleasing… and fun!

Do you have any advice for others considering the sport of paddling?
My advice would be to try your best. It is a hard sport but it is fun, and most people who try it enjoy it.

BCC Athlete Profiles.Arturo and Frederico S.jpg