day 12 - "Cindy"

It’s time for something tough! “Cindy” is a benchmark CrossFit workout, a hard challenge for any athlete. The workout is written below, with full explanation after.

20' AMRAP:
• 5 pull ups
• 10 push ups
• 15 air squats

What that means: you have 20 minutes to do “As Many Rounds As Possible” (AMRAP); each round is 5 pull ups, then 10 push ups, then 15 body weight squats. If you want to compare your score to others (and there are thousands of scores you can find online) you’ll need to use a CrossFit standard for every single rep. You can look that up or ask a coach, but basically it means absolutely full range at the top and bottom of all exercises.

You don’t need to share your scores (but feel free if you want to), but to complete the challenge you do need to know how many rounds & reps you completed in the 20 minutes. It is very difficult to keep moving for 20 minutes without stopping in this workout, so don’t worry about taking breaks! The timer keeps counting, but feel free to rest for as much of it as necessary—breaking up your work can be a good strategy.

Modifications: if you need to take the pull ups out, you can try this version—change the reps to 10 body rows, 10 push ups, 10 air squats. You can adjust push ups by raising your hand level on a bench or table, if needed. Squat range can be adjusted if needed to accommodate injury or mobility limitations. Try to stick with the listed rep numbers—it’s ok if that means you go slowly, as long as you get a number at the end of 20 minutes!