day 20 - 12.1

What does “12.1” mean, you ask? It’s a workout from the CrossFit Open—week 1 from the 2012 Open, thus 12(year).1(week). So… what is it?

7’ AMRAP: burpees

That means you’ll be doing burpees for 7 minutes, and counting how many you can do (“As Many Reps As Possible”—AMRAP). Your burpee style and standard is up to you and sharing scores is entirely optional, but if you want to compare your score against others (there are thousands of scores out there to look up), you’ll need to use the standard from this specific workout.

The official 12.1 movement standard is: “This workout begins from a standing position. The Athlete will move from flat on the ground to touching an object with both hands that is 6 inches above their max reach.” It’s a good idea to check with a coach about how to set up your touch-target, if you’re doing the official version.

Modifications: you have leeway to adjust your burpees as needed; if burpees are going to be a problem, they can be modified by: cutting out the push up; cutting out the jump; raising hand level (but be careful for safety!); doing back lunge + squat jump to avoid the ground.