day 10 - 2 Minute Push Ups

A short but tough challenge: how many push ups can you do in 2 minutes? Use good push up form for all of your reps, no matter what! You don’t need to share your score (although you can if you like), but you do need to count how many you did in order to complete this challenge.

No one (… almost no one) will be able to do 2 minutes of push ups without stopping, and that’s fine. You can take breaks in your 2 minutes, but the timer keeps going. Rest as much as you need to, just get a total count at the end.

Modifications: do not modify by reducing range; instead, raise the surface that your hands are on so they’re higher than your feet. A bench, chair, or table is good for this, just make sure it won’t break or slip. Raising the hand surface is preferred for modification instead of doing push ups from knees.