day 16 - Flower Challenge
/Have you heard of the Flower Push Up Challenge? Have you tried it, maybe at practice?
Here’s the challenge: play the song “Flower” by Moby, starting at the bottom of a push up position; every time the lyrics say “Sally up”, do a push up to the top position; every time the lyrics say “Sally down”, lower back to the bottom of the push up position, without resting your body on the ground. If you make it to the end of the song without dropping, missing a push up, or breaking form, congrats! You completed the Flower Challenge.
Tough? Oh yes. But you don’t have to finish it successfully for today’s daily shutdown challenge, you just have to try it!
Modifications: if you reach push up failure but want to complete the song, try resting on the ground at the bottom instead of holding yourself in a hover. You can also modify the push ups in any of the ways we might normally—raise hands on a bench, chair, or table; or use your knees if you need to (but keep good form!). We’ve also tried other exercises with the Flower Challenge, too; squats or RUTS work well.