Today’s challenge is a mini-workout (or not so mini, if you prefer!). There are several variations you can try, so check out the options below and pick the one you like. As long as you give it a shot, you get a star.
The workout is three exercises: push ups, RUTS (sit ups), and body-weight squats.
The first set you’ll do is: 5 push ups, 10 sit ups, 15 squats.
After you’ve done those, your second set will be: 10 push ups, 20 sit ups, 30 squats. Followed by 15 push ups, 30 sit ups, 45 squats; then 20, 40, 60, etc. (notice the pattern?)
So how many sets? There are two ways to do the workout: 1) choose a time for the workout, and get as many sets done as you can in that time (building reps each set); or 2) choose a number of sets to get done.
If you’re going to go on time, you can pick whatever you like. 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes. Your bigger sets will get harder and you’ll probably need to take short breaks, but that’s ok. When the time is up, you’re done.
If you’re going to choose a number of sets, pick your number and go for it. 4 sets, 6 sets, or 10 sets are good options. You can also choose to do a pyramid—increase for a chosen number of sets, then decrease the same way until you’re back to the starting number (for example, you could start with 5-10-15, work up to 30-60-90, then back down to 5-10-15). The longest version we’ve ever done is a pyramid up to 50-100-150 and back, but you can tackle any size workout you feel.
Modifications: you can modify the exercises however you need; push ups can be done on a raised surface (a stable one!), RUTS can be changed to any kind or sit up or crunch, body-weight squats can have modified range if needed for comfort or health.